Modest Maps is a small, extensible, and free library for designers and developers who want to use interactive maps in their own projects. It provides a core set of features in a tight, clean package with plenty of hooks for additional functionality.
<div class='map' id='map'></div>
var template = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png';
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template);
var map = new com.modestmaps.Map('map', provider);
Get the code
Modest Maps JS
Compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, iOS, Android, and Internet Explorer 7-9.
modestmaps.min.js 10KB minified & gzippedOther implementations
modestmaps processing
modestmaps processing
A Processing library for creative coding in the Processing language
modestmaps of
modestmaps of
Utilities in the OpenFrameworks library, another C++ environment for visual code